Copy of MEHK one-stop Support

Who we are

  • A specialised division established under Hong Kong Tourism Board in 2008 to look after all MICE-related support and services
  • Your MICE partner to help curate the most memorable event experiences and provide hassle-free services for your event in Hong Kong

How we can help 

  • Plan your Hong Kong destination proposal and provide bidding support
  • Your groundwork for the Hong Kong experience all done for you, step by step before, during and after your event
  • Count on MEHK to help you find suitable hotels, propose cultural and leisure experiences, and line up city-wide hospitality and trade offers
  • Customised site inspection and familiarisation trips organised for you
  • Complimentary welcome packages for your group attendees 
  • Enjoy our hospitality offers under Hong Kong Rewards! Programme

Copy of MEHK one-stop Support